Online, I go by the name hscer. Nobody knows what it means, except me. I sometimes explain it, but that doesn't mean people understand it.
Anyway, where else can you find me? Well:
- I have a blog. It is here. Attendance optional.
- I have a Sporcle account. It is here. It's the only place online where I actually do something that might be considered somewhat constructive. See: home page of this site.
- Actually, I guess I do constructive-ish things on the Fangraphs Community Blog, which you can read here.
- I have a Twitter account. It is here. I was retweeted by Baseball Reference. Once. Seriously.
- I have a Gameknot account. It is here. I am okay at chess, but you can probably beat me. Yes, you play chess at Gameknot. You can even play me. Just click here.
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